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How To Create a Focused Marketing Strategy

How to Create a Focused Marketing Strategy

The internet made it easy for entrepreneurs to reach millions of people with a few mouse clicks. So why do so many consultants and entrepreneurs struggle in their business? They don’t have enough leads because they don’t have a focused marketing strategy.

We’re going to fix that in today’s post!

Step 1: Make Creating a Marketing Strategy & Executing it a Priority!

Trust me – it’s not just you and your business that struggles! I’ve struggled too. I was working WAY too many hours, feeling overwhelmed, and not taking care of myself. I knew I needed to focus on my own marketing strategy but my clients came first.

It created a difficult cycle of feast and famine. Until I started creating some recurring revenue and scheduled time for my business, nothing changed. I talked and talked about how I needed to do X, Y, and Z, but they never got done.

The kicker was that I KNEW HOW to do this stuff. I was doing it for other people, But, as we all know that if how-to’s were enough we’d all be skinny, rich, and happy? (Am I right?)

So the first step was to make marketing a priority for myself!


Schedule time for your marketing each week. Treat it as a non-negotiable. Limit your “learning time” if you’re stuck in content consumption mode. Hire help if you need it.

Step 2: Get Super Clear on Your Target Market & Ideal Clients

Know your target market.

Your target market is the large group of people who may be interested in your products or services. They may be in a certain location or a be part of a particular age group or gender. They may be in one specific career field like Financial Planners or a more general field like women entrepreneurs. Your target market may all follow some gurus in their niche or be part of a large organization.


Make a list of demographics, interests, and places your target market resides. Who do they follow? Where do they live? How old are they? What is their education level? Income level? etc.

Your Ideal Clients:

Your ideal clients are those very people within your target market who you love working with. There will be other people in your target market as well who may fit your demographic, but they don’t possess the qualities that represent your ideal clients. Are your ideal clients high achieving women who are on a mission to use their gifts to make the world a better place? Or maybe they’re go-getting guys who are on a quest to live a balanced life & inspire others in the process.


Make a list of the qualities that your ideal clients possess. What is important to them? What do they want most? What’s standing in the way of their goal? What do they think the problem is? What is really their problem?Survey your audience if you have to. Or post a question in a Facebook group where your ideal clients hang out.

Step 3: Create a Lead Magnet They’ll Go GaGa Over:

Email marketing converts somewhere in the range of 40x better than social media. So, your #1 marketing strategy priority is building a list of people who are interested in your services and message.

In order to get people to subscribe, you’ll want to create a valuable free offer, also known as an irresistible lead magnet, to give them in exchange for their email.

Pick one step of your signature system that your ideal clients think is their biggest problem and solve it with an easy to create and quick to implement cheat sheet, checklist, etc. Make sure it’s something that will deliver quick results for your audience.


Check out these post for tips on creating your lead magnet.
Lead Magnets: What You Need to Know
5 of the Best Lead Magnet Ideas for Coaches, Consultants & Entrepreneurs

Step 4: Build Your Lead Generation Funnel

This is the step that will give you the biggest leverage and results in your marketing strategy. Your lead generation marketing funnel will consist of adding few new pages on your website. You can use your WordPress site, or use a program like ClickFunnels to create the pages of your funnel.

Landing Page: A place for you to send people to download your lead magnet. It should not have any navigation or distracting links. Just your copy and an opt in form for your visitors to subscribe. You will need a Landing page that tells your audience about your lead magnet and invites them to enter their name & email to get it.

Thank-you Page: This is a page that you’ll add to include a link to download your free offer. Make the most of your thank you page by adding a link to schedule a free discovery call, join your Facebook group, or offer a tripwire offer for them to buy. (A tripwire is a low-cost product to get them to become a paying customer.)

Schedule Page: If you haven’t signed up for an automatic appointment scheduling service, I HIGHLY recommend it. A couple of my favorites are Calendly and Acuity Scheduling. They both will allow you to embed your schedule on a page on your website with a simple copy/paste of some code.

Email Nurture Campaign: The last part of your funnel is an email autoresponder campaign to deliver your lead magnet to them and help them to build know, like and trust, so they’re ready to try and buy! So how do you create a focused marketing strategy? (Check out this post, Email Marketing: What You Need to Know, for more information!)


If you’re struggling with the mechanics of putting together your funnel, get help! You don’t have to figure this all out on your own. Book a free strategy session here and we can talk about your funnel!

Step 5: Drive Traffic to Your New Funnel

Now that you have your lead funnel set up and your foundation in place, it’s time for website traffic! Traffic generation is something to invest your time into AFTER you have a conversion-focused website and lead generation funnel. Because working hard to send people to a website that isn’t set up properly to turn those visitors into subscribers and leads is pointless.

There are dozens of ways to drive traffic to your site depending on your budget.

My preference is the leveraged route, paying for traffic on Facebook/Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Google, etc. It’s not 100% passive because you do have to do some tweaking to your ad copy, image, and landing page. But once you get it dialed in, you only need to spend up to 15-20 minutes per week monitoring your ads.

If money’s a challenge, you could build your social equity manually. Create content for your blog and social channels. Do live videos on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube. Host webinars or start a podcast. Answer questions on Quora. etc.

Remember though, creating social posts, engaging in Facebook groups, etc. is active traffic. It will only work when you’re doing it. When you stop posting valuable content, your traffic will stop too. That’s why I have focused on reinvesting my profits into Facebook advertising so I can create content (like this blog post) less frequently.


If you’re going the paid traffic route, start slowly and test your audience until you’re sure you have an offer that is converting. Then inch your budget up.If you’re going to focus on content marketing, don’t try to do it all! Pick the method and channel that is fun for you and do it consistently.

How frequently you post is up to you. Your audience will come to expect content on your schedule. Plan & schedule time your content creation time so you can stay consistent.

Get the most out of your work by promoting across all your social channels. Repurpose what you can into mini social posts, videos, etc. Also, be sure to include a call to action telling your audience what next step they should take.

Tip: Get Our Marketing Planner and Join our Live Monthly Marketing Planning Parties to help you plan and organize your content so you can stay consistent in your promotions!

Check Out the Planner and Marketing Planning Party Details Here

So, this is my “call to action” for you!

If you are serious about generating more leads and taking your business from zero to hero, Join the Get Leads & Clients Academy! I am here for you each step of the way. I’d love to help you optimize your funnel and help you create a focused marketing strategy!

Happy marketing!

🙂 Heather

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