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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Resources:

hand holding binoculars on green background for blog post "Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Resources"

Creating a never-ending stream of high-quality content for your website can feel like a daunting task to any business owner. Mix in the need to balance your content to appeal to your readers and the search engines and it gets even harder.

Let me simplify this for you with some of my favorite go-to resources for keyword-rich content ideas that will help you boost your business website in the search engines and keep your readers coming back for more!

Keyword Research Sorcery for Muggles (and Marketers):

Google Keyword Planner: Research keywords and get data on their search volume, competition, and potential profitability.

Ü This is an amazing free keyword tool that takes the Google Suggest tool and turns it up to eleven. Plug your keywords into übersuggest for an ultimate list of blog post keyword ideas.

KeywordToolDominator: Find long tail keywords for Google, Amazon, and YouTube. This tool utilizes Google’s autocomplete databases to provide real keywords real users are searching.

Keywords Everywhere: This is a free browser extension that helps you see the data on keywords, search volume, CPC, and competition, as you search on Google and other websites.

Decode Your Search Data and Performance

Google Analytics: Keep track of all the visitors coming to your blog and how they behave. See which pages and posts are super popular and which ones need a little extra SEO love.

SEMrush: Get a sneak peek into how your website is doing in the SEO world and how your competitors are doing too. Find the best keywords to target and make sure your blog is free of any technical SEO issues.

Ahrefs: Understand the backlink profile of your website and your competitors. Plus, it also offers keyword research, content research, and a site explorer feature that can be beneficial for SEO.

Brainstorm Trending Topics for Your Next Blog Post

BuzzSumo: See which posts on your topic are getting the most buzz and where they’re being shared.

Quora: Find (and answer) questions people are asking in your niche. Great source for generating ideas as well as building your authority!

Reddit: Uncover interesting and trending topics in your niche and gives you ideas for new blog posts.

Google Trends: Discover the latest trending topics and gives you ideas for new blog posts.

Note: These tools are free, but some of them may have limited functionality for non-paying users.

Discover What Questions Your Audience is Asking

Answer the Public: Get a visual mind map of questions people are searching on Google and use the info to zero in on what questions you might answer in your next piece of content.

Answer Socrates: This tool is similar to Answer the Public, but without a cap on the # of searches you can do!

Quora: As mentioned above in the “brainstorming” section, Quora is an excellent place to find out what questions people are asking and, if you’re up for answering a few of them – building your authority.

Maximize Your Video Visibility

TubeBuddy: Know what to do to optimize your video titles, descriptions, and tags for search engines and improve your visibility so your videos are easily discoverable and attract more viewers.

VidIQ: Analyze your competition and make sure your videos are optimized for maximum visibility.

Dominate the Downloads in Your Podcast Niche

Podcast Insights: Learn how to start and grow your podcast with tutorials, guides, software recommendations, and more.

Podchaser: Analyze your competition to make sure your podcast is optimized for maximum visibility and it attracts new listeners by analyzing your competition.

Podnews: Stay on top of the latest trends and news in the podcasting world.

Power-Up Your Pinterest Strategy:

Tailwind: Schedule your pins, optimize your boards, and make sure your pins are seen by more people.

Pinterest Analytics: Track your progress, understand your audience and see what pins are performing well.

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