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Avoid Distractions, Focus on Success

Avoid Distractions, Focus on Success

Are You Chasing Rabbits?

For the record, I have nothing against rabbits. In fact, I love them 

But, the rabbits I’m about to talk about aren’t the cute little, fuzzy-wuzzy animals with their irresistible eyes and ears. Rather, the rabbits I’m talking about today are some of the most devastating things out there to a small business. 

If you haven’t figured it out already, I’m going to talk about the activity known as “chasing rabbits”. That’s where something catches your eye and you get distracted. 

This is especially the case when you get a great new idea and then pursue it at the expense of what you’re already doing. These rabbits cause you to abandon what you actually have that works in favor of spending time and energy on what you might possibly get. 

Focus on Success with One Big Offer

I suspect that most of you out there went into business for yourselves with a certain goal in mind: You wanted to work less.  

And why not? After all, you have a product or service (your offer) that can make a huge difference in the lives of your ideal clients. That’s why they are willing to pay you what it’s worth. 

It’s a great way to make a living! And, when you do it right, you can work less.

But, you can only help your clients if you have something that works for them. That offer you have must meet their needs and help them overcome problems. This “one big offer” is your flagship, your money-maker, your fuel for your business.

This brings us to the problem with rabbits…

The Big Issue with Chasing Rabbits

Rabbits multiply. That means their workload multiplies.

Yep. One rabbit leads to another, which leads to another, which leads to another….

Next thing you know, rather than focusing on success and having the creation and maintenance of one single, solid offer on your plate you suddenly have seven (or more!) somewhat coherent wannabes.

Now, let’s assume that each one of those “rabbit offers” needs about the same amount of tasks to make it viable. And, let’s assign “3” as an arbitrary number of those tasks.

If you were to stay focused on your one, primary offer, let’s assume it would take 3 units of time and energy (that’s 1 offer x 3 = 3 units)

But, if you chase rabbits and end up with 7 half-baked offers on your table, they would take up 21 units of time and energy. 

Unfortunately, this simple multiplication problem is something that business owners usually don’t think about before they start chasing all those new ideas and spend lots of time fleshing them out. 

So today I want you to think about how all those side projects could be hurting your business. 

Just do the math…

If you stop chasing rabbits…

  • How much extra time will you have?
  • How much extra energy will you have?
  • How much extra money will you have? 

And that’s just the beginning. 

Let’s assume you put all that time, energy, and resources into one offer instead of inventing more offers…

  • How much more time will you have to pour into it making your one, solid offer stronger and more effective for your ideal client?
  • How much extra energy will you have to engage in marketing endeavors to pull in more clients and customers for your one, solid offer?
  • How much more money will you make with all the new clients that you have a little extra spent time with in order to knock their socks off with your specialty? 

It’s pretty straightforward math. 

Objections Anyone?

Now, some business owners may object, saying, “But, I have a bunch of different kinds of clients that I serve and I need to have a variety of different offers.”

If that’s you, I think that’s wonderful. That ultimately means that you have multiple ponds that you can fish in. 


How about we get one single offer up and running to the point where it generates the income you need first before you start fishing in different ponds? You can always build on your business later. 

In fact, just to be clear, I’m not saying you should never experiment with alternatives. I’m a huge fan of experimentation. I’m simply saying that you want to have a solid foundation first before you go there. And when you do, you want to do it strategically. And when you do it strategically, you will build in the time and energy for experimentation into your strategy, goals, and tasks that you have laid out for you during the month so that it isn’t a distraction at all. 

Remember, focus is your friend. “Rabbits” are not. 

Just like with zeroing in on your ideal client, the more you focus on success and zero in on creating, maintaining, improving, and promoting one main, solid offer, the better off you will be.

A Marketing Aid for Unparalleled Focus

I think a major reason business owners get distracted is because we try to do everything out of our heads.

  • What do I need to tackle next?
  • When is that due?
  • When is my next meeting?
  • What are my goals for the month?
  • What have I forgotten?

We structure our days based on what we remember. And that opens the door to chasing rabbits.

What if you had a professional marketer sitting at your side all day helping you do figure out exactly what you need to work on to crush your goals and keep you focused so you aren’t wasting time, energy, and resources?

If you want that, you can have it right now.

The Happy Marketing Planner is far more than just a planner. It’s like having a marketer sit with you and coach you all day long.

When you follow the process inside, you will strategize, plan, create content, evaluate, and evolve.

Powered by years of experience gleaned from helping countless business owners fill their calendars with ideal clients and scale their businesses, there is nothing else out there like it. The Happy Marketing Planner is not just something business owners want. It’s something they need if they want to step up to the next level.

Are you ready to focus your business so you can achieve new heights and live the life you’ve always dreamed of? If so, click the link here.

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