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Unleashing Your Peak Productivity: Navigating Flow States with Confidence

Hands typing on a keyboard

Are you tired of struggling with productivity and searching for ways to achieve exceptional results in your coaching, consulting, or service business? Today, I’m going to help you tap into flow states to unlock peak productivity and personal fulfillment. 

If you don’t already know, when you feel like you’re in “the zone”, that’s a flow state. Your focus, creativity, and performance are all amplified. And, once you learn the science behind flow states and some practical strategies to triggering them, you can take whatever you’re doing to a whole new level. 

That includes your productivity in your business. 

So, if you’re an entrepreneur who’s ready to become more efficient and effective with your time so you can clock out at the end of the workday without guilt and enjoy the rest of your life with family and friends, this article’s for you. 

Entering “the zone” of a flow state

You probably don’t know this about me, but I’m not only a writer for Heather, I’m also an artist: I draw pet portraits.

One day I sat at my desk, lightly scratching the pencil on the page as I layered the fur for a dog’s face (yes, I draw the fur in layers, several layers). As I continued to draw, it wasn’t quite working. Something wasn’t right. I made some adjustments here and there. I added a couple more layers and pulled out a few hairs. Finally, it started to come together. 

It was a real challenge, but it paid off in the end. 

Then, I noticed it…

I was hungry. 

It was 3:00 pm and I hadn’t eaten yet. Time absolutely flew. I had entered “the zone”, and it didn’t even occur to me to stop and grab a bite. But, in the end, I achieved the desired effect. As far as I’m concerned, it was totally worth delaying that meal. 

Pencil drawing of an Irish Setter

How do you know when you’re in flow?

I’m sure you’ve had that kind of experience at one time or another. When you are in flow, you feel empowered. You feel invincible. You feel on top of the world. 

On a more practical level, you are unlocking your peak performance potential. As you fully immerse yourself in your work and let it absorb you, the heightened focus, creativity, and performance make you more productive, efficient, and effective at what you do. 

Here are a few signs that you’re entering into a flow state:

  • You feel motivated
  • You discover laser focus
  • Your creativity goes through the roof
  • Your problem-solving abilities are amplified
  • You are better able to regulate your emotions
  • You forget about physical needs
  • Your sense of time disappears
  • You are downright happier

The more you are able to immerse yourself into flow, the more meaningful and satisfying your work becomes, and the happier you become with life.

The science behind flow states

Scientists have studied flow states since the 1970s. We still don’t know everything we need to about them yet, but we do have a lot of information and we know a lot.

Perhaps most importantly, at the heart of flow lies a cocktail of neurochemicals that orchestrate this optimal experience. 

Here are the highlights. 

  • Dopamine, the brain’s reward neurotransmitter, takes center stage. It’s released during novelty and challenge, which is why tackling something from a new angle or exploring uncharted territories can be akin to setting the stage for flow (which kept me going forward even though drawing the fur was challenging) 
  • Norepinephrine enhances arousal and attention, which in turn enhances your focus and keeps distractions at bay (which is why I was so focused on my drawing)
  • Endorphins reduce pain and enhance pleasure (which is why I didn’t even notice the hunger until I was done drawing)
  • Serotonin kicks in after you cross the finish line, giving you that sense of accomplishment and bliss

As the right chemicals are released and you enter a flow state, the brain begins to hover between alpha waves (a state of high creativity) and theta waves (perfect for visualization).

I realize all this may sound super technical. But I think it’s important, and here’s why: once you know your goal, you can then figure out what you need to do to make that goal happen. Since we know it all comes down to chemical interactions in the brain, all we need to do is figure out how to release the chemicals to trigger a flow state. 

When you learn how to intentionally trigger this state, you are effectively hacking your brain to optimize your creativity and productivity. And, for entrepreneurs and coaches, this is like laying claim to that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Overcoming barriers to flow states

Before we start talking about how to tap into flow, we first need to think about barriers that can prevent you from entering into flow. I think there are 2 main types of barriers: external and internal. 

Externally, we’re looking at distractions. Anything that takes your attention off what you are doing (and I mean anything) can disrupt everything. 

Back when I used to work a day job for a local company, I would sit at my desk and try to get things done. Then, my messenger would pop up because someone had a question. Or, someone would drop by because they needed to talk with me. Ugh. Distraction after distraction…after distraction.

Just think about all the distractions you’re potentially surrounded by as an entrepreneur…

  • Text messages
  • Social media messages
  • The phone ringing
  • Someone knocking at the door
  • Family member needing help (assuming you work from home)
  • Dogs needing to go out
  • The kettle screeching, letting you know you can now make your hot tea

Life happens. That’s not a bad thing. But, as long as you have to deal with these types of daily distractions, you will not be able to enter into flow. So you really want to get control over your environment. 

The second type of barrier, the internal, isn’t as easy to deal with. You can’t just flip a switch and turn off all the negative self-talk inside of you. 

Here are some examples of how you can derail the possibility of a flow state internally:

  • Lack of confidence that tells you that you don’t have what it takes
  • Fear of failure that prevents you from moving forward
  • Worries about things in your life that keep your mind from entering the zone

If you want to enter into a flow state, you need to manage your external and internal environments. Here are some practical ways to do that.

Cultivating flow states as part of your business strategy

Let’s get you over those external hurdles first. Here are some practical things you can do to manage your environment. 

  • Block your time so you know what you’re working on and when. Nothing else matters. If you are working on a presentation, then you’re working on that presentation and not creating copy for ads, updating your website, or going over your client schedule. Establishing boundaries on your time will keep you focused, and you know everything will get addressed when the time arises. 
  • Close your door so that activities happening around you stay out of your room. If you have to, hang a “Do not disturb” sign on the door. 
  • Place your phone on silent so alerts and calls can be dealt with after you are done. It’s a lot like “closing your door” for your phone.

Now, let’s work with that internal environment. This will take a bit more discipline, but I’m sure you can make it work for you. 

  • Spend some time in daily meditation to strengthen your ability to live in the present moment.
  • Journal your thoughts to become aware of how active your mind is and to learn how to let go of the thoughts when it’s time.
  • Create an environment conducive to relaxation. Maybe you can add some candles, potpourri, or soft music. Find what works for you. 
  • Engage in a ritual to open your flow space. Maybe you make a cup of hot tea. Maybe you sit in silence for a few minutes. Maybe you doodle. Again, find what works for you. 

After having addressed those external and internal barriers, we need to consider one more thing: the task in front of you has to be a challenge. That’s the key. 

And, this leads us to…

  • Set goals regularly so that you have challenges to overcome that can invite you to enter those flow states in the first place.
  • Engage tasks that are a challenge, but within what you are capable of doing. If it’s too easy, the lack of challenge will prevent flow. If it’s too hard, well, it’s too hard.  

You don’t have to wait for flow states to just “happen”. You can intentionally enter them with the right technique. By setting clear goals, cultivating a positive mindset, and practicing self-compassion, we can overcome barriers and trigger the desired state. 

Personal R.O.I.

In business, “What’s my return on investment?” is a question we ask ourselves all the time. 

When we run ads, we want to pay for the ones that work best because they will make us more money, or give us more “R.O.I.”. 

When we hire someone to take work off our plates, we anticipate saving our time and energy so we can dedicate it where it’s needed more. That means more income than we spend on the new hire. Again, positive R.O.I. 

When we leverage A.I., we are cutting down the time needed on tasks so we can dedicate it elsewhere. Again, it’s about R.O.I.

But, what about when we sit down at our desks to work on a daily basis? If you want to maximize your time investment in your day, consider what you need to do to leverage flow states. They are a game-changing tool for achieving optimal productivity and fulfillment. 

After all, sometimes efficiency is the name of the game. 

If you want to become more efficient as an entrepreneur, you might want to consider our monthly Marketing Planning Party. It’s a time we set aside each month (remember “blocking your time”?) so we can focus on what we need to do for the upcoming month. 

Click here to learn more and sign up.

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