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The Magic of the Journey: Celebrating Milestones on the Path to Marketing Success

blog post image of graduation caps being thrown into the air celebrating a milestone

Amazon dropped off a package yesterday afternoon that I ordered in the morning. Things like this have become so ordinary it doesn’t even surprise me anymore.

We live in a world that celebrates instant gratification. On-demand TV and movies, instant downloads, same-day shipping, etc., are expected.

When I talk to people on discovery calls and ask them what their timeline for a project is, many of them say, “Yesterday.”

This reminds me of a comment a journeyman mold maker made to my husband when he was an apprentice, “You could want a baby in 4.5 months, but you can’t put two women on it and make it happen. Some things just take time.”

Like goals, dreams, and building a business.

A successful business is built step-by-step, day-by-day

Don’t rush yourself. Whether you’re learning to write copy that gets people to take action, figuring out how your new email marketing platform works, or trying to zero in on who your ideal clients really are, give yourself the time to figure it out.

My daughter just finished her Master’s degree. We attended her hooding ceremony and graduation this weekend.

Since that scary weekend in March 2020, when we rushed to move her home from college early as the world was shutting down, she’s finished her Bachelor’s degree, got her teaching license, got a job, bought a house, remodeled the house, got engaged, planned a wedding, finished her Master’s degree, and she’s getting married in July.

When I look at the list of all she’s accomplished, I am amazed. But it happened one step at a time, one day at a time. I’ve fielded the occasional teary and tired phone calls from her to know it wasn’t easy.

Learning a new skill like marketing, takes time as well. Pushing your comfort zone is uncomfortable. Navigating a long-term goal can be nerve-wracking.

That’s what growing a business is all about. You have to play the long game, expand your comfort zone, and master new skills. There’s no “same day delivery” option on our goals and dreams.

Persistence is a non-negotiable in business and marketing

I’m sure you’ve heard the story, but it’s always a good reminder.

It is believed that Edison made over a thousand unsuccessful attempts before finally creating a functional, long-lasting electric light bulb. When asked about his failures, he said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

Edison’s story teaches us that even the most brilliant achievements often require time, perseverance, and a willingness to learn from setbacks.

Marketing is like that too. It’s all an experiment. Trial and error.

Your lead magnet may not work right out of the gate. So what! Make a new one and try again.

Your first launch may belly flop. So what! Do a de-brief and take a guess as to why it didn’t work. Then try again.

Be persistent. Keep trying.

Other people with less passion, skills, and intelligence have figured it out! You can too!

The journey is more important than the destination

I did a workshop last summer where I helped people plan their marketing calendars. It was eye-opening to learn how many people were not consistently promoting their businesses.

Inconsistent promotion turns into inconsistent income.

Think about the gurus in the marketing space, like Amy Porterfield, Marie Forleo, and James Wedmore. They consistently produce at least one piece of content (video, blog, or podcast) each week. When they’re going on vacation or taking a month off, they queue up episodes to publish while they’re away. Or they repurpose old content to give it some fresh eyeballs. But no matter what, they are consistent.

You can’t control how many people buy a program you are promoting, but you can control how many offers you make and how many emails you send. Learn from every “failure” and take the knowledge with you to the next project.

Have you read either of the books, The Slight Edge or The Compound Effect? They are two popular self-help books that focus on the power of small actions and consistent efforts in achieving success and personal growth.

The destination, whether it’s you achieving your wildest dreams or my daughter getting her Master’s, is not an isolated incident. It is achieved through the culmination of the little choices and steps we make along the way.

Of course, we need to set goals so that we know where we’re headed, but the journey is where the real magic happens. The choices we make every day.

If we aspire to have a 7-figure business or a thriving email list, we must adopt the mindset, actions, and habits of someone who has already achieved those goals. So build relationships, provide value, consistently deliver quality content, consistently improve your skills and mindset, and work towards achieving personal mastery.

Don’t wait for someday, for something to happen, so you can be happy or fulfilled.

Someday is today.

Remember to stop and celebrate your progress

As business owners, we don’t have formal ceremonies where someone drapes hoods over our gowns to mark the accomplishments along our journey, so we need to take moments to stop and celebrate along the way.

So please, let me raise a glass (okay, my mug of coffee) to you this sunny morning as I write this blog post.

Here’s to you, your dreams, your goals, and your passions!

Here’s to getting your first subscriber, hundredth subscriber, or ten-thousandth subscriber!

Here’s to you doing that video or live stream even though you were nervous!

Here’s to you finishing your lead magnet or launching your funnel!

Here’s to your persistence and consistency!

Here’s to living your best life now, and enjoying the journey!

I’m cheering for you. 🙂

Happy marketing!

🙂 Heather

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