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10 Irresistible Lead Magnet Ideas to Grow Your Coaching Business

a bunch of hand drawn light bulbs with a hand filling in one of them and adding rays coming out of it showing ideas.

Are you a coach looking to attract more of your ideal clients, grow your email list, and position yourself as an expert in your coaching niche? Creating effective lead magnets is a great way to achieve these goals!

Previously I introduced the reasons entrepreneurs need lead magnets and step-by-step how to create a lead magnet that actually works in my article, Lead Magnets: What You Need to Know to Create an Intriguing Opt-in.

This comprehensive guide will explore 10 lead magnet ideas tailored specifically for coaches and service providers. These lead magnets have been proven to convert, helping you boost your business lead flow, conversions, and sales by helping you effectively connect with your target audience.

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Freebies to Help You Create Lead Magnets, Content Upgrades & More!

Before we get into the training, I want to let you know that I have created a couple of freebies to help you create a lead magnet quickly and easily. Here they are if you'd like to grab them and then come back to this guide to learn how to put them into action.

101 Lead Magnet Ideas

Never be stuck for ideas again when creating opt-in freebies to attract leads and clients!

Lead Magnet Templates

Quickly create gorgeous digital products that convert visitors into leads who know you, like you, trust you, and become paying clients!

Cartoon of a girl with a gift on the end of a fishing pole tempting a guy who wants it

Let's Start with the Basics: What is a Lead Magnet?

A lead magnet, also known as an irresistible offer, is a free resource you offer to your visitors in exchange for their contact information, such as their email address. The primary purpose of lead magnets is to initiate a relationship with potential clients by addressing their unique challenges, desires, and goals. You establish trust and authority in your coaching niche by providing them with a solution, whether it's a cheat sheet, a quiz, or a template. Getting them to subscribe opens the door to further engagement and the opportunity to convert them into a sale.

Offer a Free Opt-in Gift to Drive Conversions for Your Coaching Programs and Services:

If you are here reading an article on creating great lead magnets, you want to get more clients. Right? An opt-in freebie is a great way to do that.

However, most people need to be more informed about the purpose of a killer lead magnet.

Contrary to what you may think, the goal of an irresistible free offer is not to get leads. The purpose extends far beyond that—the goal is to convert leads who need and want your coaching services into buyers.

A well-crafted opt-in bribe serves a greater purpose than just growing your list; it also will:

  • Attract individuals who vibe with your coaching style.
  • Encourage them to sign up for your email newsletter.
  • Show clients what it's like to work with you.
  • Give them a quick win to earn their trust.
  • Prime them to take the next step toward working with you.
  • Turn them into YOUR ideal client. (For example, my Website Planning Checklist helps people think through what they want in a website before we get on a clarity call.)

Key takeaway: The goal of your lead magnet for your coaching business is not to get leads; it's to get paying clients. 

doodle cartoon strategy person holding pencil drawing

Why Lead Magnets are Essential to Your Marketing Success

Opt-in gifts play a vital role in the marketing strategy for a coaching or service business. Here's why: only 5% of the people in any niche are ready to buy, and 95% of the people who see your content or visit your website need time to think about it.

Some marketers teach that you should go straight for the 5% of buyers who are ready to purchase. That means that 95% of the people who see your website, content, ads, or offers will not be prepared to say “yes.” Most people need time to consider their options, especially when making a high-ticket purchase.

Do you want to waste 95% of the traffic you work so hard to drive to the website? Are you okay with throwing away 95% of your ad budget?

It's important for coaches and service business owners to maximize our marketing results with minimal effort and expense. A solid lead magnet strategy with consistent follow-up makes that easy.

And the good news is that if you're offering the right type of lead magnet, you'll also attract the 5% who want to take action now.

Key Takeaway: Create a lead magnet that will allow you to capture potential client’s attention, earn their trust, and guide them toward saying “yes” to your offer.

Screenshot of the Lead Magnet Matrix from the 5-Minute Marketing Planner. This graphic shows 4 quadrants: awareness, consideration, decision, and engagement/nurture with lead magnet suggestions for each quadrant.

The Lead Magnet Matrix: Effective Lead Magnet Ideas that Convert Best at Each Buying Stage

The image of the Lead Magnet Matrix above is a page from the 5-Minute Marketing Planner. It reveals the different types of lead magnets that are more effective at various stages in the buying cycle.

Great Lead Magnet Ideas for the Awareness Buying Stage

In the awareness stage, potential clients are just becoming aware of their challenges and seeking solutions, so lead magnets with high perceived value and ease of consumption work exceptionally well.

Focus on creating actionable tools with high perceived value that are easy to consume, such as a free checklist or calculator.

  • Checklist
  • Cheatsheet
  • Calculator
  • Coupons
  • Printable worksheets
  • Trackers

These list builders quickly capture attention and establish your expertise, making them ideal for the awareness stage.

The Right Lead Magnet Types for the Consideration Buying Stage

In the buying stage, people evaluate different options and seek more in-depth information. They are willing to invest more time learning about what you do and which solution might be right for them.

Here are some opt-in freebies you can create for people in the consideration stage that require more effort to create and consume but provide comprehensive insights.

  • Free Coaching Sessions
  • Free Discovery Call
  • Webinar
  • Challenges
  • Workshops
  • Video Tutorial
  • Live Events

Free gifts like these are harder to create and consume. Still, they allow you to showcase your expertise, provide extensive value, and help leads make informed decisions. They also qualify your leads, separating those willing to invest their time and effort to get a result from those looking for a quick solution.

Ideas for Coaches that Convert Buyers at the Decision-Buying Stage

As interested leads enter the decision stage, where they are ready to purchase, opt-in incentives with lower perceived value but harder creation and consumption come into play.

Like the lead generators for the “consideration” stage, creating something that requires more effort to consume is okay. These marketing assets serve as effective qualifiers for prospects willing to invest their time and effort to achieve desired results.

The best leads magnets for buyers in the decision-making stage are:

  • eBooks
  • Mini-courses
  • Trial memberships
  • Sample chapters
  • Webinars (live or pre-recorded)

Popular Lead Magnet Options for the Engagement/Nurture Buying Stage

Lead generation doesn't stop at the opt-in phase. Ongoing connection and relationship-building are essential to building trust and becoming seen as your niche’s “go-to” resource.

Different lead magnet ideas for the Engagement and Nurture stage:

  • Newsletters
  • Quizzes and Assessments
  • Community (like Facebook groups)
  • Inspirational quotes
  • Phone or desktop wallpapers
  • Printable resources

These opt-in options foster community, encourage interaction, and serve as touchpoints for ongoing communication.

Key Takeaway: By aligning your free lead magnet with the appropriate buying stage will help you create engagement with your dream clients and guide them toward choosing your coaching and services.

Now, let's dive into each of these lead magnet ideas for coaches and explore how they can help you achieve your goals.

cartoon people with one holding a magnet pulling the other one toward them.

Successful Lead Magnet Ideas for the Coaching & Service Business Spaces:

Coaches can offer various lead magnets to attract and engage their target audience. Let’s explore some of the most effective lead magnet examples for coaches, consultants, and service providers.

I’ve divided them into each buying stage for you.

10 Lead Magnet Examples for Coaches in the Awareness Stage:

I love using these lead magnets as the first step in a funnel!

1. A Cheat Sheet Lead Magnet is a Free Resource that Simplifies Complex Concepts for Your Audience

Cheat Sheet: A cheat sheet is a condensed, easy-to-reference document that simplifies complex concepts, processes, or strategies related to your coaching niche. It's a valuable resource that provides quick insights and actionable tips.

Using a Cheat Sheet to Build Trust: A cheat sheet showcases your expertise in a practical way. As your prospects use the cheat sheet and find it helpful, it builds trust and credibility.

2. Free Checklist: A Popular Lead Magnet Option to Simplify Complex Processes

Checklist: Coaches often help clients navigate complex processes or achieve specific outcomes. Simplifying a process will position you as an expert.

Tips for Creating a Checklist to Build Your Email List:

  • Choose a goal or process that your customers commonly struggle with.
  • Structure the list in a logical and easy-to-follow manner.
  • Consider offering additional explanations for each step for enhanced value.
  • If you’re including recommended resources, add your affiliate links!

3. The Template Lead Magnet Helps Simplify Your Client's Journey

Templates: Pre-designed frameworks or models that your audience can use as a starting point to create their own customized solutions. They provide structure, help your subscribers save time, and eliminate the need for starting from scratch.

Tips for Creating a High-Value Template:

  • Make sure the framework is flexible and adaptable to individual needs.
  • Offer instructions or tutorials to enhance the usability and value.
  • Give examples of how the finished results might look.
  • Canva* is my favorite option for creating and sharing templates, although you will need the paid version of Canva to do this.

4. Convert More Leads with Calculators that Provide Personalized Insights for Your Audience

Calculator: A dynamic and interactive tool that provides personalized insights to your audience in exchange for their contact information. It allows website visitors to input their specific data or preferences and receive calculated results tailored to their needs.

Tips for Creating a High-Converting Calculator:

  • Make sure your calculator is user-friendly and intuitive.
  • Offer clear explanations of the results and how they relate to your services.
  • There are lots of form tools to create an online calculator. If you’re on WordPress, my go-to is Gravity Forms*.

5. The Printable Library: Tangible Resources for Your Coaching Audience

Printables: Tangible resources that users can download and print to help them in their personal or professional development. These resources can include worksheets, checklists, planners, and other documents tailored to your coaching niche.

6. Create a Blueprint/Roadmap Lead Magnet to Guide Your Visitors to Their Goal in Exchange for Their Email Address

Blueprint or Roadmap: A blueprint or roadmap lead magnet is a visual and comprehensive guide that outlines a step-by-step plan to help your audience achieve specific goals or overcome challenges. It offers clarity and direction to your audience by providing a step-by-step path forward and actionable strategies.

Tips for Creating a Blueprint/Roadmap Kind of Lead Magnet:

  • Make sure your lead magnet addresses the outcome your customers need to achieve.
  • Outline the steps, strategies, or milestones necessary to achieve that goal.
  • Provide clarity and actionable insights while leaving room for customization and individualization.
  • Encourage potential clients to seek your guidance and support beyond the blueprint for a more personalized and transformative coaching experience.

7. The Tracker: A Perfect Lead Magnet for a Health and Wellness Coach or Business Coach!

Tracker: A tracker is a tool that helps your audience monitor their progress, track important metrics, and stay organized in their pursuit of personal or professional goals. These can include goal trackers, habit trackers, metrics trackers, or any other tracking document relevant to your coaching niche.

Why a tracker is a powerful lead magnet for a health coach, life coach, or business coach: 

  • It promotes accountability by allowing users to track their progress toward their goals.
  • It visually represents their achievements and areas where they can improve.
  • A well-designed tracker empowers your audience to take control of their journey.
  • It encourages them to set specific goals, track their efforts, and make data-driven decisions to achieve their desired outcomes.

8. Coupons or Fast-Action Discounts for Services Businesses and Coaches Who Want to Encourage Clients to Take Action

Coupons and Fast-Action Discounts: Offering exclusive discounts or special offers to first-time buyers is a popular lead magnet idea to encourage potential clients to take the first step toward working with you. They lower the initial financial barrier, build trust, and encourage leads to experience your value.

Pros & Cons of Coupons and Fast-Action Discounts:

  • Pro: Encourage immediate action and conversion.
  • Pro: Create a sense of urgency and exclusivity.
  • Con: I don’t recommend “discounting” yourself. Personally, I'd rather offer a Fast Action Bonus than a discount so I don't diminish the value of my paid offers.
  • Con: They can sometimes feel kind of "slimy" or like a "hard sale" tactic if they aren't done right.

9. Resource Lists Lead Magnets that Work to Boost Your Affiliate Income!

Resource Lists: A resource list is a curated collection of valuable tools, books, websites, or other materials relevant to your niche. It serves as a quick reference guide to help your audience access the best resources available.

Why Resources Lists are a Valuable Lead Generator for You and Your Audience:

  1. They simplify the search and eliminate your audience from wasting time and money on resources that don't work for them.
  2. Resource lists allow you to use your lead magnet to create additional streams of revenue through affiliate income.
  3. Highlight your expertise by recommending resources catering to your audience's specific needs and interests.

10. Tip Sheets: Quick and Actionable Insights for Your Audience

Tip Sheets: A tip sheet is a concise document that offers quick, actionable tips, advice, or strategies related to a specific topic within your niche. It provides your audience with immediate value in a straightforward format.

Why tips sheets are one of the best lead magnet ideas for people in the awareness phase: 

  • The information is concise and easy to digest
  • Users can quickly scan the list to find actionable insights to apply to their situation.
  • The tips can easily address the pain points of your audience.
  • It can be paired with a simple but effective email marketing strategy where you send out additional tips on a regular basis.

Similar to a tips sheet, one of my best lead magnets has been my Daily Marketing Missions. I delivered these daily 5-Minute Marketing Tips through my email marketing platform for a year or two. However, now I now share them in my community on Monday- Friday.

7 More Irresistible Opt-in Ideas for Coaches and Consultants:

I find the following ideas to convert best in the buying process's consideration, decision, and nurture phases.

11. The Classic eBook (or Physical Book): In-Depth Resources for the Consideration and Decision Stages

eBooks and physical books: Comprehensive and in-depth resources that provide extensive information, insights, and solutions related to your niche. I like to position these in the consideration and decision stages of the buying process.

Qualifying Serious Leads: eBooks and books can serve as a way to qualify leads who are genuinely interested in obtaining detailed knowledge and are serious about achieving results. Those who invest the time to read a book are often more committed to their personal or professional growth.

Building Authority and Trust: books can establish your authority and build trust with readers A well-researched and well-written book demonstrates your expertise and commitment to providing value.

Considering eBook Usability: Books and eBooks are time-consuming to create and may require a significant time investment from your audience to consume. They're also time-consuming and difficult to create.

12. A Quiz is a Great Way to Engage, Educate and Collect Leads

Quizzes are interactive and engaging assessments, allowing your audience to answer questions and receive personalized results or insights. Depending on your niche, they can be fun, educational, or diagnostic.


  • Provides personalized results or insights to your audience.
  • Engages your audience through interactive and gamified experiences.
  • Generates curiosity and encourages social sharing.
  • It can be used for lead segmentation or qualification.
  • Generates data you can use in future content like press releases, infographics, etc.


  • Requires careful planning and creation of questions and outcomes.
  • Potential for lower completion rates if the quiz is too long or complicated.
  • It may need additional nurturing to convert participants into paying clients.
  • Quizzes don't always attract the most serious buyers. Some people view them as entertainment.

13. The Webinar: A List Builder for Service Providers and Coaches Wanting to Establish Authority

Webinar: Hosting a thought leadership masterclass, webinar, live workshop, or training is a great way to effectively showcase your expertise, connect with your audience, and position yourself as a trusted authority in your niche.

How to create a webinar that converts: 

  • Choose a compelling topic that aligns with the product or service you're promoting
  • Promote the training in advance to encourage registrations.
  • Schedule reminders and teasers in your email marketing software to build excitement.
  • Offer a show-up bribe to people who attend live. Give it away at the end of your presentation to encourage people to stay to the end.
  • After the event, put attendees into a sales email sequence to nurture leads and offer services.
  • Share the recording with those who couldn't attend.

14. Private Communities and Facebook Groups are Great for Fostering Relationships and Building Trust

Community: Building a community around your niche can be a powerful lead magnet. It creates a space for like-minded individuals to connect and engage with your expertise. Use a paid platform like Circle or a free platform like Facebook.

As group members interact with your content and see the value you bring, they may naturally express interest in your services. Additionally, you can periodically promote your programs or consultations within the group, making it easy for interested individuals to take the next step.

15. The Email or Video Course: Drip Value to Your Subscribers

Email or Video Course: Dripping value through an email or video course effectively engages your audience over time. It allows you to deliver valuable insights, step-by-step guidance, and actionable advice directly to their inbox.

  • Plan a series of emails that address a specific challenge or goal you can help with.
  • Each email or video should provide valuable content and end with a CTA (call to action) that encourages subscribers to take the next step, whether it's booking a free consultation or exploring your paid programs.

16. Offer a Free Discovery Call or Strategy Session to Build Rapport and Qualify Leads

Free Discovery Call or Strategy Session: A free call is an opportunity for interested leads to have a one-on-one conversation with you to discuss their goals, challenges, and how your services can help them. It's a personalized approach that builds a strong connection, and it's great for coaches who want to talk to their leads before the sale.

17. Content Upgrades: Elevating the Value of Your Marketing

Content Upgrades: Valuable resources or bonuses that are specifically created to complement and enhance the content your audience is currently consuming. You can offer your other lead magnet freebies within blog posts, articles, or other content pieces to add value to your readers. It's a great option if you want your lead magnet to drive conversions with your content. They are an important part of your lead magnet list-building strategy.

Use Lead Magnet Landing Pages to Promote Your Freebies and Grow Your Email List:

Here are some of my landing pages you can check out.

Calculator Lead Magnet Example:

Calculator Lead Magnet Example: Website ROI Calculator
Wise Owl Marketing's Website ROI Calculator

Printables Library Lead Magnet Opt-in Page Example:

Printables Lead Magnet Example - Wise Owl Marketing Printables Library
Wise Owl Marketing Free Marketing Printables Library

Blueprint Lead Magnet Opt-in Page Example:

Blueprint lead magnet landing page example - screenshot of an opt-in page.
Wise Owl Marketing Appointment Funnel Blueprint

Template Lead Magnet Opt-in Page Examples: 

Template Lead Magnet Landing Page Screen Shot Example: Lead Magnet Templates
Wise Owl Marketing Lead Magnet Templates

Webinar & Masterclass Lead Magnet Opt-in Page Example:

Screenshot of an opt-in page landing page for a masterclass or workshop lead magnet.
Wise Owl Marketing Free Get Leads & Clients Masterclass

Resources Lead Magnet Opt-in Examples

Free Resources List Lead Magnet Landing Page screenshot
Wise Owl Marketing: Favorite Funnel Resources

Lead Magnet Opt-in Example of Free Coaching Sessions

Free Call Lead Magnet Opt-in Page ScreenShot example
Wise Owl Marketing: Free Clarity Call

Report or guide lead magnet examples:

Free Guide Lead Magnet Landing Page Example Screenshot
Wise Owl Marketing: Wake Up to New Leads & Clients Guide

Assessment Quiz Lead Magnet Opt-in Page Examples

Assessment Quiz Lead Magnet Example
Wise Owl Marketing 5-Minute Marketing Assessment


Lead magnets are powerful tools that can help coaches attract, engage, and convert potential clients. You can establish trust, position yourself as an expert, and build a strong email list by offering valuable resources. Remember to choose the right lead magnet for your target audience, create high-quality content, and promote it effectively. With the tips and strategies outlined in this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to create irresistible lead magnets that drive conversions for your coaching programs. Start implementing these lead magnet strategies today and watch your coaching business thrive.

Remember, providing value to your audience and building meaningful relationships is key. I truly hope this was helpful to you. Thanks for being here and taking the time to read this post.

Do you want some help dialing in your lead magnet or building a funnel to attract leads and clients for your business?

Schedule a free clarity call with me. I’d love to help!

Happy Marketing!


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