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The Desire to Simplify: How to Grow Your Coaching Business with Ease and Purpose

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Yesterday, I had a fantastic call with my Get Leads & Clients members about success, significance, and the desire to simplify.

So today, instead of publishing the blog post I had planned for this week, I want to remind you that “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”

These words by Leonardo da Vinci capture the big picture of what we all desire – a business and life that is both significant and successful without being overwhelmed by stress and hustle.

In the pursuit of growing a business, it’s easy to get caught up in the never-ending race for more. Create more content, make more offers, convert more leads, book more discovery calls, make more money, etc.

As a result, we overcomplicate things and make them harder than they need to be. In today’s blog post I’m going to show you how to simplify your business so you can achieve meaning, significance, and success without the stress!

Growing your business doesn’t have to be hard. In fact the easier you make it the more success you’ll create!

For example, I set a goal to launch a course this summer to help business owners plan their marketing for the coming month. But there wasn’t enough time to do it with my daughter’s wedding and all the showers and parties leading up to it. So instead of recording a bunch of videos, editing them, creating a sales page and a funnel, etc. I decided to host a live planning party and promote it to my email list with only a check-out page. 

In simplifying the process, I launched it within a couple of days. I didn’t miss out on months of revenue because I was still planning and preparing. And I had so much fun that, I’ll be hosting it monthly, allowing me to provide more value to my members and build deeper rapport with them than any course ever could have!

Psst: If you want to join our next Planning Party, it’s only $10 per month. Or you can get two months free plus the accountability of joining us every month for only $100 per year.

Here’s another example of how simplifying your business can save you time, stress, and money:

One of the biggest stress-causing mistakes I see coaches and service business owners make is over-investing into their business for the stage of growth they’re in. We feel like we need to have everything perfect before we can get out there are start growing.

I recently talked to a potential client who wants help building a new WooCommerce website. Part of her vision is to have an affiliate program attached to it. However, she’s just starting and only has one possible affiliate lined up.

We could build her an affiliate platform, but that is overkill for where she is now. A simplified approach would be to clone the product and assign a unique SKU to each affiliate or give her affiliates a special coupon code to promote her offer. That way, she can easily track where the sales come from. And, with only a few affiliates to monitor, the process will take very little time. 

So, I suggested she put the affiliate platform on her list of future plans for her site when she has less on her plate and she has enough affiliates on board to quickly recover her investment.

6 ways to embrace simplicity in your business and life

If you’re longing for more simplicity so you can grow your coaching business with ease and purpose, ask yourself where are you making things harder than they need to be? What can you do to make things easier?

Here are a few ideas to get you started. Caution: don’t try to do them all at once or you’ll only be adding more to your plate. Pick one simplification mission to tackle at a time. When it’s done, move on to the next!

1. What’s your why? 

Why did you start your business? What did you want it to give you personally, and what impact did you want to make on the people you serve? Asking yourself if the goal you’re working on aligns with your purpose will help you avoid distractions and stay focused on what’s really important. 

2. How can you streamline your offers?

Evaluate your services and offerings. Are there any that drain your energy and time? Consider refining your offers to simplify their delivery and focus on what truly resonates with your clients and brings you joy. Look for ways to leverage yourself with group coaching programs or create passive income with an online course. Smooth your cash flow by adding recurring revenue with a subscription offer. Or maybe some of your offers need to be eliminated all together.

3. Kill the overhead and simplify your tech stack!

How many marketing tools and subscriptions are you paying for that you’re not regularly using? How many tools do you have that do the same thing? Whenever I do this exercise with clients, we find ways to significantly simplify their tech stack and save them a hefty amount of money. Opt for a few essential tools or subscriptions that streamline your processes and enhance your effectiveness.

4. Optimize your workflows: 

Take a moment to assess your to-do list and/or track your time for a few days. Then identify the tasks that you can get off your plate by automating, delegating, or creating better systems. For example, do you need to send invoices to retainer clients every month? Set up recurring billing, give the job to a VA, or create an invoice and email template with all necessary details, payment terms, and service details.

5. Embrace self-honoring boundaries: 

Set boundaries to protect your energy, personal time, and well-being. Learn to say no to projects or commitments that don’t align with your values or overextend your capacity. Put a start and stop time on your work day. Schedule time for exercise, lunch, and self-care throughout the day. Ladies, it’s perfectly okay to take it easy the week before your period. Say no to PITA clients!

6. Celebrate your progress in simplifying: 

Most of us, goal-driven entrepreneurs, constantly move the finish line toward the next goal without celebrating our accomplishments along the way. Acknowledge and celebrate the milestones in your journey. Keep a list of all the ways you’ve simplified your business, no matter how the progress seems. Little things add up to significant time and money savings in the long run. 

Finally, keep at it!

If you’re anything like me, you tend to add 3 things to your to-do list for everything you cross off. The time you save by simplifying your offers, tech stack, workflows, and setting boundaries can quickly be consumed by more to-dos. Be intentional with your choices and remember, the pursuit of simplicity is not just about doing less; it’s about focusing on what truly matters. 

You’ve got this!

🙂 Heather

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