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Avoid This Huge Website Mistake Many Businesses Make

Avoid This Huge Website Copywriting Mistake

“All He Did Was Talk About…”

My daughter came home from a date the other night. I could just totally tell that it was not a good date. So, I asked, “How did it go?”  And she replied, “All he did was talk about himself and how amazing he was.? 

No one enjoys that, whether they’re on a date or in any other type of social situation. So why is it that so many businesses make the website mistake of focusing on themselves instead of their visitors? Everything you read, it’s all about them, and what they do, and how they’re better than everybody else. This kind of writing is not engaging to the other person. 

A Simple, Yet Powerful Fix to This Serious Website Mistake

Take a look at your website copy to make sure you aren’t making this common website mistake. Anywhere you’re talking about yourself, ask yourself, “How can I flip this over to address my visitor?” 

So instead of your home page saying something like “we do this”, talk about what they want or need. Ask yourself, “what is the biggest thing that your ideal clients want?” “How can you help them get it easier, faster, cheaper, or whatever that might be?”

Once you have that, you can sell the transformation. You can sell the results that you provide. Show them the benefits of working with you. 

One easy way to do this is to look at what they want. What will having this thing give them?” That’s going to help you focus on the benefits of what you’re doing. 

For example, if they are looking for more leads and clients (what they want), they will be able to grow their business (benefit).

Also, take a look at the keywords on the page. You want the keywords to be something that would relate to what it is that you’re doing. And a really simple trick to make sure that you’re not talking too much about yourself, is to look at how many times you say “I,” or “we,” and flip it to “you” and “your”. This might mean taking time for a bit of a rewrite, but it should be pretty quick and easy to do. And I think that will be a huge help for you. 

What’s Your Experience Been?

Next, I’d love to learn more about you. I would love to hear about some of the things that you have done to make a big difference on your website. How do you avoid website mistakes? If you join our Facebook group, you can post there. It’s called Get Leads & Clients, and it’s totally free. We would love to have you. 

We also have a masterclass, if you haven’t seen that yet. In this masterclass, I will show you the three-phase process that we go through with every website we build (whether we’re doing a DIY program with a client or a one-on-one site) in order to help build an online marketing system that will get you more leads and clients.

If you’re looking for some one-on-one help to get you past any challenges or struggles that you’re having, get on my calendar for a free Clarity Call. Or if you just want to say, “Hey, Heather, build that site for me.” We can do that too. In the meantime, make sure you’re making your website copy about them, not you.

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