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Consistent Content Creation: Regularly Reach Your Audience and Attract New Clients with One Piece of Content Per Week

woman creating content, typing on a laptop, with a coffee mug on her desk.

Content marketing is the Swiss Army Knife of marketing. It helps you get your name out there to attract leads, build trust, and establish yourself as an authority in your niche. But churning out consistent, high-quality content can feel like a never-ending uphill battle, especially for busy entrepreneurs and solopreneurs.

Whether you're a seasoned content creator or just getting started, these tips will equip you to develop a thriving content workflow, even in the chaos of growing a business.

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Why Consistent Content Creation Is Your Successful Marketing BFF

Imagine meeting a friend who keeps flaking on plans. Frustrating, right? That's how your audience feels when your content strategy is inconsistent. Here's why consistency is the secret of a successful marketing plan:

  • Builds Trust: Consistent content shows your audience you're dependable. Your audience can depend on you for valuable insights, which creates a sense of trust and loyalty.
  • Top-of-Mind Awareness: Regular content keeps you at the top of your audience's mind (and inbox!) When you create content that resonates with your audience, you'll be the first name they remember when they need a solution related to your expertise.
  • Lead Nurturing: Consistent content allows you to nurture leads over time. Each piece of content is a seed you plant – with regular watering (aka - more content), many of those seeds will grow into loyal clients.
  • Establish Authority: Regularly providing valuable content to establish yourself as a thought leader in your field. People see you as a trusted resource and will seek guidance and solutions.
  • Get Feedback from Your Audience: Whether you are tracking engagement on a LinkedIn post or surveying your audience, consistently gathering feedback from your audience will help you improve your content marketing strategy. 
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Setting the Stage: Defining Your Goals for Creating Content Consistently

Before diving into making content, take a step back and define your goals. What do you want to achieve with your content? Here are some common goals to consider:

  • Lead Generation: Attract potential customers interested in your products or services.
  • Expert Positioning: Establish yourself as a go-to authority in your industry.
  • Engagement Building: Connect with your audience, spark conversations, and build a community.

Once you've identified your goals, tailor your content strategy to align with them. For instance, if lead generation is your top priority, create content that offers solutions to your audience's pain points related to your offer and include clear calls to action.

Plan ahead to create content with purpose. Are you planning a product launch in a few months? Make content that builds anticipation and educates your audience about the upcoming offering. What questions will they have? What objections will you need to overcome? This strategic approach ensures your content serves a specific purpose beyond simply "feeding the social media monster."

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Focus on Long-Form Types of Content: Blog, Podcast, or Video Content

Long-form content (including your blog, podcast, and video content) can help you create a solid online presence. They provide holistic benefits to your business by driving visitors to your website from the search engines, providing tremendous value to your ideal clients, and positioning you as an authority and thought leader in your niche.

Short-form content, such as social media posts, reels, carousel posts, etc., also has its place in your content marketing strategy. It is a great way to promote your long-form content, help you reach new followers, and grow a loyal audience. 

I recommend creating one piece of long-form content weekly and promoting it via your social media channels and email. 

One way to expand your reach and attract a larger audience is by repurposing your existing content into different formats. This allows you to present your content in various ways to appeal to others without creating tons of new content from scratch.

And if you have an advertising budget, put $3-5 per day towards promoting your content with a paid ad. It's a great way to get more mileage out of your content, nurture your audience on social media, and reach new people. 

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Developing A Consistent Content Creation Strategy to Attract Your Ideal Client

The key to creating compelling content lies in understanding your ideal client. Ask yourself:

  • Who are they?
  • What challenges do they face?
  • What mistakes are they making?
  • What questions do they have?

By clarifying your ideal client profile, you can tailor your content to their needs. This makes creating content more manageable and ensures it directly addresses the issues your audience cares about most.

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Planning and Batching Your Content: Five Tips for Maintaining Consistency 

I don't know about you, but I'd feel overwhelmed if I had to create content every day. That's why I'm a big fan of planning and batching.

Just like meal prepping can help you stay consistent with your healthy eating goals, batching your content ahead of time can help you stay consistent with your content marketing goals.

It's the perfect solution for people who have limited time to create

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    Get Clear on Your Monthly Content Marketing Goals

    • How many pieces of content do you want to post each week? What's the breakdown between the number of long and short content pieces? 
    • Before you begin creating videos, recording podcasts, or writing a blog post, know the goal for each piece of content.
    • And focus on goals you can control. You don't have control over how many likes, views, comments, and subscribers each piece of content will generate. However, you can create your definition of consistency and track your progress that way. (i.e., If you aim to post one piece of content and share it across all your channels and email each week, you know if you've hit it.)
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    Find the Time and Make it Part of Your Routine to Consistently Create Content

    • Look at your schedule and figure out where you can set aside time to focus on your marketing and get into a flow state. Make this time non-negotiable. 
    • As you create content, you'll get a feel for how much you can get done in a specific amount of time. This will help you with project management and reaching your content creation goals.
    • If you find that you're spending too much time on one area of content creation, look for ways to streamline your content. 
    • Make it fun. I like to treat content creation time as a treat. I'll light a candle, put on some music, make a cup of coffee, and enjoy the process. It's a ritual that I look forward to. This routine also helps me get into a flow state, so I'm more productive.
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    Plan and Organize Your Content by Creating a Content Calendar.

    • Organize your content creation process by maintaining a consistent content calendar. A content calendar will help you simplify your daily routine and remain focused on the big picture with your marketing.
    • Plan out the topics you'll create for the next month or the next three months (depending on whether you prefer to plan monthly or quarterly). This will help you know how much valuable and engaging content you need to grow your audience. Knowing the topics for the weeks is one of the best ways to streamline your process and produce a steady stream of content.
    • Keep a running list of new content ideas. Jot down things that inspire you throughout your day. Take a look at other people in your niche and outside of your niche for inspiration. I like to look at the top video channels, podcasts, and blogs in various niches to get my creative juices flowing. For example, The Minimal Mom recently published a video called "The Best DECLUTTERING Tips for Anyone Feeling Overwhelmed," The title resonated with me, so I made a list of possible variations I can with the headline formula: The Best _____ Tips for Anyone Feeling Overwhelmed. 
    • Identify the gaps in your content and develop a strategy to fill them. Are people asking you the same types of questions? Do you see your target audience making the same common mistakes? 
    • Pay attention to your metrics and adjust your strategy accordingly. Over time, you'll get a feel for what kinds of content your audience loves, and you can experiment with different content strategies to determine which type of content is driving the biggest return on your effort.
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    Batch Create Consistent Content

    • Using batching for your content creation will save you time and keep you consistent. Dedicate specific days to create content. For example, you could film a month's worth of videos in a single day. This approach minimizes context switching and lets you stay in the creative flow.
    • Batch your content creation monthly. Aim to create a month's worth of content at a time during your dedicated content days. This frees up the rest of your month for audience engagement, client work, and other business activities.
    • Keep a consistent schedule. I like to set aside one day per month to record videos and then work on the editing and publishing parts of my routine throughout the rest of the month. I schedule these times on my calendar, just like an appointment with a client.
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    Repurpose Your Long-Form Content for Maximum Impact: One Content Piece, Many Uses.

    Content creation takes time and effort. Here's how to maximize the reach of your content: repurpose it!

    There are three easy ways to repurpose your content: 

    • Splintering: taking one long piece of content and slicing and dicing it into bite-size pieces, as I described above. 
    • Combining: combine several pieces of content into a series, playlist, or ultimate guide. 
    • Reformatting: change the format of your content. For example, start with a video, extract the audio, and turn it into a podcast. Then, transcribe it and turn it into an article for your blog. 

    I recommend you create high-quality, longer content like blog posts, podcasts, or videos. This type of content is more likely to be indexed by search engines which will increase your website's organic traffic. SEO-rich content is an asset that can continue to pay off by keeping you in front of your ideal clients for months and often years after its initial publication.

    Then, extract bite-sized snippets from your long-form content, such as quotes, tips, or visuals. Share them across social media platforms to boost engagement and drive traffic to your main content piece and offers.

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Tools and Resources to Help You Plan and Simplify the Content Creation Process

Feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of implementing these strategies? Here are some resources to help you on your marketing journey:

  • Planner Genius: I designed Planner Genius to help you plan and schedule your content marketing efforts. Each month, you'll receive a planner and an invitation to a live planning party. We've also gathered our favorite AI tools, workflows, and other resources to simplify the content creation game. It's super affordable and definitely the place to be if you want to create content consistently to grow your business without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Content Management Systems (CMS): Platforms like WordPress or HubSpot allow you to easily create, manage, and publish your content. They offer user-friendly interfaces and features to streamline the process of publishing content.
  • Social Media Scheduling Tools: Utilize tools like CoSchedule, Buffer, or Canva to schedule your social media content ahead of time so you can deliver a steady stream of engaging content across various platforms.

Want Help With Your Content Marketing Consistency?

 Join Planner Genius!

Planner Genius puts an end to marketing confusion, procrastination, and overwhelm by giving you the structure, support, and tools to market easily and consistently!

Join us on our live interactive planning workshops and access the our marketing planners, dashboards, on-demand training, tools, templates, and more...all for less than the cost of a pizza!

Beyond Consistency: The Long-Term Benefits

The rewards of consistently promoting content extend far beyond simply staying on schedule. Here's what you can expect:

  • Content Groove: You'll develop a rhythm and flow as you consistently publish content. You'll become more comfortable in your creative role, allowing you to produce high-quality content more easily.
  • Snowball Effect: Consistently creating quality content leads to a snowball effect. Over time, you'll see a steady increase in website traffic, leads generated, and sales. 

Following these strategies can transform content creation from a daunting task into a well-oiled machine. Remember, consistency is key. The more consistently you show up for your audience with valuable content, the stronger your brand will become and the closer you'll be to achieving your content marketing goals.

So, take a deep breath, silence your inner critic, and embrace the power of consistent content creation. You've got this!

Happy marketing,

xo, Heather

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